The first entry on a blog is always the hardest. Where do I begin? Well, why is always a good starting point so....
I am a paraplegic, I have a wonderful family, and I live an active life, working and travelling and, with my wife, raising two kids. On the web I have found really very little information that is practical and useful for a person in my position. So I decided to start a blog to share my experiences about life, the universe, and the experience of being a daddy who is "differently abled" (to use that horrible term - more on this at some later date maybe). This is not (will not be) a place for me to talk lovingly about my wonderful family (tempting as that may be). I intend to keep to the topic of "living with a disability" and to discuss my family and my experiences only in that context. If you want gushing descriptions about wonderful children from "unbiased" parents - well the web is full of that kind of stuff.What I do want to try to focus on, is how disability shapes my ability to function and engage with our society - both inside and outside the home. So I may get a little philosophical sometimes, but I certainly intend to get practical (for example - why I think Babee Tenda cribs and feeding tables are the greatest invention since...well cribs and feeding tables were invented! More on this later I hope). It is the lack of practical information for disabled parents (or those considering becoming parents) that I find most frustrating. Perhaps this little corner of the web will help address that.
Read my disclaimer if you make any decisions based on my experiences. These are my experiences, and mine only (hands off!) and I cannot speak for anyone else.
That's it for "Why?". I now have to figure out how to get a blog up and running...
This certainly is a great piece of work, well worth reading!