I was fiddling around on the web this evening when there was a thump from the babies' room followed by a whimpering. I recognized instantly the sound of Number 1 falling out of her bed. (She has been sleeping in a twin bed for the last couple of months and falls out of it occasionally.) The mattress is about 6 inches from the carpeted floor so she doesn't hurt herself, but the shock in the middle of her sleep upsets her (not surprisingly!) So I went in.
I found her sobbing on her knees by the bed - sobbing and saying "Mama" but not actually awake! This presents one of the more frustrating dilemmas for a dad in a wheelchair. How do I get her back in to bed without waking her? All the interactions with Number 1 involves some co-operation from her. I cannot simply lift her straight from the floor and cradle her in my arms, not since she got big anyway! Number 2 is just about borderline (if he's wearing dungarees or something like that) but Number 1 is way too big. I hugged her, whispered in her ear, but in the end her mother had to come in and sweep her into bed.
I found myself frustrated that I could not lift her up and cradle her...such a simple thing. If any one has any ideas for that...I'm all ears!
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